
Copyright © 2013 Navigraph. All rights reserved.

All reproduction or distribution of any material on any Navigraph website (including, but not limited to, text, photographs, movies, music, computer programs, etc.), is strictly prohibited, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Logotypes and Trademarks
The Navigraph trade name and logotype and all related product or service names, design marks, logotypes or slogans are the property of Navigraph and may not be used in any way without prior written approval from Navigraph.

Navigraph Service
Navigraph is the owner or authorized licensor of the data provided through the Navigraph Services. All intellectual property rights regarding the Navigraph Service, including but not limited to the software, data, and related documentation developed and/or owned by Navigraph shall be and shall remain the sole property of Navigraph and its data providers. The providing of the Navigraph Services does not imply any transfer of intellectual property rights to end users.

In plain English: All usage of the Navigraph Service, and its data, is intended for end users and their private ground based recreational computer game simulator software only. You, as a private individual or company, are not allowed to purchase any Navigraph Service and parse its data into a service or a product which you then make available to a greater audience unless you have been granted a written license by Navigraph to do so.

Questions Regarding Usage
If you want to use any logotypes or material from the Navigraph website, please contact